Aurangabad Area

Image aurangabad1.20010522.1.01.html, size 138492 b
Image aurangabad1.CC.India-2001.4.02.html, size 48527 b

Catherine decided she needed some pictures of the local rural dwellings. She went straight into this group, taking pictures as she went. She (and a few others who went with her) were invited in.

Image aurangabad2.CC.India-2001.3.14.html, size 98315 b

In a lot of places we saw these huts made of cow manure. They consist of cow pats stacked up and then "plastered" over with what we presume is more manure. This is evidently the equivalent of the stack of firewood in North America.

Image aurangabad3.CC.India-2001.4.03.html, size 89961 b 
by giles